Doula Services and Fees

Price should never be the primary consideration in choosing a doula.

Your doula may be the only person you personally choose to assist you in birth. I will be your continuous reassuring presence during an intense and intimate experience, and we must have a rapport.

As your birth doula, I like to be paid $1350.
If this is not an amount you are able to budget for but you feel I may be the right doula for you, please let me know. Alternatives may be available.
All rights reserved.®

Basic Birth Doula Service

Initial “pleased to meet you” session.
Face to face, or possibly over the telephone or video if your pregnancy is advanced or you are short of time.

Two face to face meetings
-At our first prenatal meeting
I will learn about you and your family, about your desires and vision for the birth of your child. This meeting may be done remotely but, face to face is always preferable. (75- 90 min.)

-For our second prenatal meeting,
I will return with information and resources tailored to your needs. We will work together to prepare you and your spouse/partner, for the birth of your child. If I am to be your only companion, we will prepare to welcome your child together.(About 90 min.)

-We may have a third visit, as you wish. This meeting  will be hands on and cover comfort measures and a review of any aspects of birth you wish to discuss. (About 90 min.)

Depending on when you hire me, we will be in touch several times before your child’s birth. You may call me at any time. If I am not available I’ll return your call at a mutually convenient time. During the last weeks of your pregnancy, I will stay in touch with you. My phone will always be on in case you need to get in touch!

From the onset of your labour through the early postpartum hours, I will be available to you. When I actually join you will depend on many factors but I will be there when you need me, for as long as it takes. Your birthing experience will be my only concern. I will be available to you exclusively.

After your baby arrives
I am available by telephone and text message for the first  6 weeks. We will schedule one or more postpartum visits during this time, and I will keep in touch with you, as you wish, during the sometimes tricky 4th trimester.

I have an extensive educational library, TENS machine, birth balls and other items useful during pregnancy, labour, and the early days after your baby’s birth.
My resources are available for you to use as part of my service.

 ♥ ♥ ♥ 

First Night Respite ♥

Ideal for parents who leave the hospital within hours of the birth of their child. Up to 12 hours of attention and support for mother, child and partner after birth.
2-5 hour daylight visits within 10 days of the birth.
Duties may include  physical and breastfeeding support, reassurance, education, food preparation, laundry, linen, infant, pet and childcare
This is a perfect gift from family and friends living afar who wish they could be with you.
A sweet gift package is available for presentation.
From $550. 
Available within a limited radius

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                                                                        ♥ ♥ ♥


♥BBB Busy Before Baby

Busy folks may need an extra pair of hands and a shoulder to lean on. Sometimes, it feels like there is just so much to do before the baby comes and you may not be at your best. If you are anxious or perhaps feeling overwhelmed or just wish you had some help, call me. I can accompany you to medical appointments, shop for or with you, and help you to prepare your home to welcome your newborn.   From $105.
Daily or hourly rate available. Please, let me know how I can help you.

All rights reserved

♥ New Parents Assistance and Education

My birth services include an optional Postpartum Assistance and Education package for new parents for an additional $550.
This option includes 12-15 hours of assistance on a flexible schedule during the first 4 weeks after your child’s birth. Please let me discuss this expanded option with you.
Other options are also available. Please contact me to discuss your needs.

Postpartum Doula

If you require a postpartum doula immediately and you are not my birth client, I may be available on an hourly basis. I do not provide overnight support  (excluding those clients who have recently given birth with my support) Minimum visit is 3 hours. Please contact me to discuss your needs.
Visits from $105.

♥ Prenatal Education

I am able to provide private classes in your home or mine, for my birth clients. I will be happy to discuss this service and fees with you personally.

Baby Massage Instruction For Parents

Interested in learning about infant massage and nurturing touch?

I offer individual or group instruction in your home.
( 5 sessions)
This is a perfect gift. It always fits!

Baby Massage brings a lifetime of benefits to babes and their parents and is suitable for either gender
A sweet gift package is available for presentation.

Please give me a call, 613.304.3427 if there is anything more you would like to know or there is something I can do for you!

Gertrude ♥

a simple graphic signifying 30 hours of  infant mental health education, a course of study for doulas and other child and newborn health professionals

Doulas share information about the well being of newborns with parents

All information contained on this website is provided for your personal information only and is the original intellectual property of Gertrude Wilkes. All rights reserved.
Do not replicate without advance written permission